Monday, May 26, 2014

Why Does it Happen To Me..

Most of the clients who come to me come with only one Question "Why" . Why am I so lonely ? Why am I supposed to go through all this ? Why am I suffering so much ? and of course the all time favourite WHY DOES IT HAPPEN TO ME ? The answer to this question is very easy to state, yet very difficult to understand and even more difficult to digest. KARMA Karma is defined as actions in our Past lives. By Past Lives,I mean Previous Lives and also life lived till date. Past lives determine the fortunes and misfortunes of this life. We thus are made responsible for our bodies and our families. Actions performed in this life will determine our body and our family in our next life. And the statement is backed by empirical evidence collected from numerous PLRT sessions
And the statement is backed by empirical evidence collected from numerousthat I have conducted over the years. A man having non-medical breathlessness recollecting killing ants by stuffing them in a small bottle or inability to stand for what you believed in resulting in unexplained severe back issues. The connection of Thoughts and karma and then its physical manifestation is unmistakably the best example of conversion of non matter into something tangible. Is this true? No one knows. But the consequences of believing it are far-reaching. The experience we gather by allowing ourselves to believe in this theory results in tremendous and amazing release from the clutches of helplessness into a blissful state. However like all healings and shift , the process starts from Openness, Awareness, Acceptance & Receptivity. Be Blessed. Celestial Corner Tags: Celestial Corner!- Tarot Reading Noida, Tarot Courses In Delhi, Tarot Reader, Famous Tarot Reader Joy Dev, Learn Tarot In Delhi, Certified Tarot Reader, ITA Certified Tarot Grand Master Joy Dev, Tarot Classes In Delhi, Numerology, Name Numerology, Business Numerology, Vastu In Delhi, Vastu Consultancy In Noida, Vastu Expert In Delhi, Tarot, Tarot Reading, Tarot Reading In Delhi, Tarot Reading In Noida, Tarot Classes In Noida, Learn Tarot Online, Numerology Reports, Numerology Classes In Delhi, Numerology Classes In Noida, Vastu, Vastu Consultancy, Learn Vastu In Delhi, Learn Vastu In Noida, Feng Shui, Palmistry, School of Tarot & Allied Studies, Tarot Reader In Delhi, Famous Tarot Reader In Delhi, Delhi Tarot, Tarot Reading Services In Delhi, Tarot Readers In Delhi, Best Tarot Readers In Delhi, Tarot Delhi, Delhi, City Delhi

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